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You can order VDS / VPS server in 12 locations.
Ukraine / Kyiv
USA / Los Angeles
USA / New Jersey
USA / Florida
Netherlands / Amsterdam
Bulgaria / Sofia
Latvia / Riga
Asia / Singapore
Czech Republic / Prague
Poland / Gdansk
Switzerland / Geneva
ADVCash - ADVCash, Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum, Litecoin
Payeer - Payeer, Bitcoin, Tether, Litecoin, Ethereum
Wayforpay - Visa / MasterCard, Google Pay, Apple Pay
Bank transfer for legal entities. For Ukrainian customers only.

This example shows how to create a payment and replenish a personal account through the Interkassa payment system.

In the billing panel section 'Billing - Payments' create new payment.

Specify the amount by which it is necessary to replenish the balance and push 'Pay'

Fill in the information about the payer.

Confirm the payment, after which we will be sent to the site of the payment gateway.

In the payment method selection menu, choose the payment method that is convenient for us.

Indicate the contact information for the payment system and fill in the card details, after which we confirm the payment.

Unfortunately, but we do not provide test periods for the services of virtual and dedicated servers.
The installation of the virtual server is automatic and takes up to 30 minutes on average.
If after more than an hour from the moment of accepting payment for the virtual server service, the authorization data to the server has not been provided, we ask you to immediately contact our technical support service through your personal billing account to check the delivery of the server service.

Processing of orders for dedicated servers is done manually, which can take several hours. This is due to factors such as: configuring the components of the server depending on the order, checking and installing the OS.
This page contains information about the basic actions that almost every user encounters when working with a virtual server
Each virtual server has a control panel, through which the client is available to use the basic management tools of the virtual server: stop, start, restart, reinstall and virtual monitor (VNC). Below is a step-by-step example of navigating to the panel.

Using the personal billing cabinet, go to the Virtual private servers section and from there to the control panel by clicking on the server you need before.

After the transition, a new portal tab will be opened, from which we go to the section Management - Virtual machines

So we got to the main page of VDS server management. Using the menu displayed on the toolbar, we can perform the operations of turning on, stopping, restarting, reinstalling, changing the password (only for Linux\Unix systems) and (VNC)

After ordering and installing a virtual server, each user is provided with authorization data to the server. The information for the connection is sent to the contact e-mail address, which is attached to the user, and is additionally duplicated in the instruction, which can be found in the personal account of the billing panel in the section 'Virtual private servers'

The virtual server can be restarted in two ways, which we presented below

To reboot the server on the left side of the billing panel screen in the 'Products/Services' category, click the menu item 'Virtual private servers', then select the required server from the list of your servers and click 'Reboot'.

You can also reboot the virtual server from the control panel of the server.

In the server management panel, go to the virtual servers section, select the required server and click on the button 'Reinstall' button. In the dialog box, select 'OS Template' and click OK.

In the server management panel, go to the virtual servers section, select the required server and click on the button 'ISO Images' in the 'Control ' category on the left and click on the 'Upload' button.

In the open tab you can specify where to download the ISO Image and confirm the download.

After downloading the image to the server, you must necessarily stop the virtual server to connect the downloaded image.
To connect the disk to a stopped server, in the main window of the server control panel, select the server and click 'Disks' and in the new window click 'ISO' where we can already select the downloaded form.

After connect our image, we return to the control page, start our virtual server and open VNC.

We see that our image has already successfully uploaded and is ready for work!

Sometimes there are situations that you need to connect to the virtual server through the console without the network. For such cases, we have a remote access service to the server (VNC).

In the server management panel, go to the virtual servers section, select the required server and click on the button VNC

If you specified additional IPv4 or IPv6 addresses when ordering the server and after the order can not find them - do not be scared!

A list of all addresses that are assigned to a virtual server can be found in the section of the billing, in page Virtual machines and clicking on the menu IP-addresses

Also this section is available in control panel of the server

No we do not allow to use VDS for VPN\Proxy and tunnel servers.
To change the size of the disk, for example, after switching to the tariff above, you can use the following instruction.


Connect the GParted LiveCD image to our virtual server. This image is already available for connection in the control panel in the locations of Ukraine and Russia. In other locations, you must first upload an image in your personal cabinet. Download the ISO image from the official website https://gparted.org/download.php

Run our server and open VNC

After opening the virtual monitor, we see that our connected image has successfully booted and is ready to work. Press Enter.

Press Enter again.

The next window shows the loaded graphics shell, where we will perform operations with our virtual disk.

We select the partition that used for our system, and click on 'Resize/Move'.

Move the slider to the end and confirm the changes.

After the operations, turn off our virtual server.

Disconnect the GParted LiveCD image from the server.

Start the virtual server and check the partition size directly in the system itself.

The main issues that are associated with domain names work
To register the domain, on the left side of the screen of the billing panel in the category 'Products/Services', click the menu item 'Domains', then click on ' Registration'.

In the 'Domain Name' field, enter the domain name with the required zone and click the 'Whois lookup' button. If the domain name is free and available for registration - you will get the result, which is highlighted in green text 'Available'. Further, if the name is free for registration, click 'Registration'.

In the next step you need to fill in the mandatory contact information of the domain owner and click on 'Next' to further specify the NS-servers to which the domain will be delegated.

After filling all the necessary data of the service, you will be redirected to the basket tab for subsequent registration fee payment

To change the NS servers for the domain on the left side of the billing panel screen in the category 'Products/Services', click the menu item 'Domains', then click on 'NS. In the editable text fields 'NS' specify the server addresses and confirm the change with the button 'Edit'.

You can hide the contact details in the issuance of Whois services. To do this, just tick the 'Hide data in WHOIS' checkbox or in the parameters of your domain name service, activate the additional option 'Data protection'.
This service fee: $ 5 per year.

You can use the domain names purchased from third-party registrars on our services. When ordering a virtual server service, each customer is automatically provided with the DNS-hosting service 'NS Level Free', the order of which is available in the category of products 'DNS hosting'. Using our DNS-servers, everyone can delegate the domain to our NS-servers and manage DNS-records of the domain.
SSL certificate - is an individual digital signature of a domain that allows a site user to verify the authenticity of the site and the server itself for further work with it and the exchange of personal data. Using an SSL connection ensures data protection and security.

If you have any difficulties in ordering or installing a certificate on a hosting - contact our technical support service and we will be happy to assist you in solving this problem!

To order an SSL certificate, you must go to the SSL-Certificates category of products in the billing panel.

Next, choose the appropriate version of the certificate.

Fill in the data to create a certificate request and contact information of the certificate holder

Choose the contact address to which the order confirmation letter and a copy of the certificate will be sent.

After completing these steps, you still have to pay for the order. If you need any additional information to issue an SSL certificate, our employees will contact you.
This section shows how it is possible to install a free Let's Encrypt certificate for hosting

In the domain management 'WWW' section, go to the SSL Certificates section and click the 'Let's Encrypt'

Enable the operation of the SSL certificate and select the domain for which we want to use the certificate. Also, in addition, we can enable certificate verification through DNS.

The process of issuing the Let's Encrypt certificate usually takes up to 30 minutes. Using the issuance log, we can observe the process.

Having received confirmation of the successful creation of the certificate, we can verify its activity by contacting the site via the https protocol.

If you still have questions about the work of the company and services, you can always clarify the information in the online chat on our website. Or create a ticket for consultation with our technical support.