Invite a friend
Something we've been silent, working hard. And today, we are launching the first since the beginning of the year promotion
- "Bring a friend".
The period of promotion with
26.02 to
26.03 2017 year.
To participate in the challenge:- bring a friend who may be interested in our services in any of our groups, public pages in social networks;
- to create a ticket specifying the social network and the name of the other;
- response from the employee to receive an individual promotion code.
This code allows you to receive a discount of
50% services
shared hosting and
20% to
VDS since the rate of Level 2, the follow-up period
3 months and is valid on the purchase and renewals. That is, the code can use both old and new customers.
List of social. pages which take part in the action:VkontakteTelegramTwitterFacebooksincerely team ISPLevel.