Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop is the most
profitable solution for those who do not leave their computer because of the eternal dependence on the need to access your personal and important information. All of us have repeatedly faced the fact that we needed to transfer some working documents, but forgot the flash drive with them in our computer. Now you can protect yourself against such missteps!
You may have heard such terms as:
RDP Server,
terminal server. It's all the same.
By ordering a remote desktop, you get the interface of the
Windows operating system already familiar to you and full control of it, the ability to install and run the programs you need to work and perform all the operations that you do on a regular desktop computer or laptop. Renting a remote desktop gives you the opportunity to upload all the necessary information to the server with simple "
copy-paste" functions from your computer or transfer the entire databases.
Have you ever encountered the fact that when you go to some sites, instead of the usual beautiful and required content, you receive a
403 forbidden access error with the text that access is denied in your country?
This type of service will help you in solving this problem! Due to the fact that our sites are located in
12 different locations of the world! You can buy Remote Desktop in Europe (Ukraine, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Latvia, Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland), USA (Los Angeles, New Jersey, Florida), Asia (Singapore) and have access to sites located there that check the user's ip-address and block in case of internal rules.
Our servers are perfect for those who want to host a 1C database and not be afraid for its safety, work with Word, Excel office documents and print information from the server using your printer, which can be configured on the desktop. Those who simply spend time on the Internet through a browser will not stand aside. It is also possible to use the same server by
two or more people at the same time if you have a configured terminal server!
Connection to your desktop is made through the standard program
Windows systems "
Remote Desktop Connection". For
Apple system users, you need to download and install Microsoft Remote Desktop from the AppStore and Remote Desktop from Google Play for
Android devices.
For more information about the prices of available tariffs, please visit our remote
desktop rental page.